Sunday, June 22, 2008

This is my summer

I have been dreading Andrews last day of school. I know I only have one kid in school for 3.5 hours a day, but to be able to go do errands, or shop, with only 2 kids instead of all 3, is so much easier. I always used Andrews school time to be out somewhere, whether it be Safeway, Costco, the mall, or any other of my favorite stores. I am a shopper, and would really like to go at least somewhere everyday. So, thinking about having all three kids home all day was really getting me worried. (I know I am a big baby compared to some of you out there with more kids!) Anyway, I am slowly but surely getting used to this 3rd kid thing. Another part to my worry, was swimming. I wasn't sure how it was going to go now having Bailey. Andrew has only been out of school for 1 week now, and we have been swimming almost every day. Andrew is a good swimmer now, so he can go in the big pool all by himself. My community pool has a toddler pool which is where Josh swims all by himself, and Bailey and I get to sit on the side in the shade. It has worked out perfectly. So I can tell this is going to be my main activity for the summer. Ashley H. has been with us and the boys have a great time, and of course it is a lot more fun for the moms too!

Weston and Andrew in the kiddie pool.

We need to get one of these tube, raft things, they had a great time playing with these older boys in theirs.

Isn't this the cutest picture of Bailey? I love her face.

One of me and Bailey. She is only 4 months old, but already we have slowed down in our picture taking. I hope all of you were swimming this week too. It was too hot to do anything else!


Camille said...

Maressa you look great! love your suit. Bailey is a doll too. We too did LOTS of swimming this week. It's one of my favorite things about summer.

Cookie Dough said...

That really is a great picture of Bailey. What a cutie!

Brian, Maren & Brigham said...

Ahhh, swimming. That looks so nice. I am excited for all of your happy pool time. I think you might be the tannest you have ever been at the end of the summer.

steph said...

We live at the pool too and just love it! Maci has 6 straight weeks of swim lessons this summer. I am just dreading having to keep Bryce out of the water every day for 6 whole weeks because I know the whole time he will be dying to get in the water too!

amanda said...

whoa, the vincents! this is amanda angel from chatsworth days. i am amanda faleschini now with my own lil' one. i have been looking for you guys for a little while actually and found you thru barbie's blog. good to see you and your beautiful family. my blog is: