If you know Andrew, then you are not surprised by this picture. Just another day in the Vincent household. Andrew somehow got beat up by a chair. It smacked him in the face the other day at the pool. At least we weren't at the emergency room right? Andrew has been to the emergency room 3 times already I think. When he was 15 months old he swallowed a watch battery while we were on vacation in Boston. We had to go find a hospital and get him x-ray'd, and sure enough the battery was in there. But apparently, as long as it doesn't stay in there, there is no problem. This is good to know! Although I realize that for many of you, it's highly unlikely that your kid would swallow a battery. His next trip involved him falling off a pool slide about 5 feet down and landing face first on the concrete. He split his lip open and broke a bone in his cheek. He needed stitches that time. Next trip, he broke his arm at preschool, had a cast for 6 weeks. They took off the cast and 3 days later at a church party he fell on some stairs and rebroke the same spot, then he had surgery to put in pins, and the cast returned for 8 more weeks. I think that is it for the emergency room. Luckily Josh has not followed in Andrews footsteps, at least not yet.
A chair??? Really!!?? Likely story Maressa.
Love that kid. He is a cutey even with a black eye.
I have a good one for you. Judson swallowed a Chuck E Cheese coin when he was 2 I think. That was a real hoot trying to "search" his diapers for that one.
Knock on wood, we've had no trips yet to the ER and I'm hoping it stays that way. I laugh when I think about all of the adventures that have taken Andrew to the ER. That little black eye is nothing...just adds some character to his face right now.
Wow! He did get a shiner!! He still looks cute though. I love the Pebble Beach pictures!
So when we saw Andrew the other day Jake says, "I always know if it is Andrew Vincent 'cause he either has a broken bone or something purple on his face!" Don't you just LOVE that coming from another professional bone breaker!
Those chairs can really be viscios. I can't even count the times i have seen chairs just randomly, with no warning, attach an innocent bystander, or bysitter. Poor Andrew.
He is reckless. He must get that from Tobi
Andrew is just making sure you're on your toes at all times. Plus he wants to make sure you have lots of good stories to tell about him when he is older!
p.s. we just bought tickets today to utah for the byu vs. ucla game!!!
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