Thursday, July 17, 2008

Who needs The Cheesecake Factory???

So the title of this post is obviously a joke, OF COURSE I still need The Cheesecake Factory. I think it is my favorite place to go for girls night out. I get to drink diet coke, eat salad, and have a huge piece of yummy cheesecake. But I did make a knockoff version of the Adam's Peanut Butter Cup Fudge Ripple. And it turned out pretty much like theirs, to my surprise. Now I can have my favorite cheesecake at home AND on GNO!


smithfam said...

UH!!! Where is mine???? Am I officially off the "Maressas taste tester committee"???????

Maren said...

OK. I am a little slow. What is GNO?

Shannon and Cameron said...

Post the recipe!!

Maressa Vincent said...

Maren you have to start this in your ward! Girls night out!

Christine said...

Dude - I'm Linda - just 'cause it's summer vacation and we are not chatting infront of school EVERYDAY doesn't mean we can't still be your taste testers!

Michelle said...

I'm happy to be a taste tester too. I've already gained way too much over the last 6 months so what's a few more pounds? I hope this wasn't sitting at your house yesterday when I was there...I'd be mad that I wasn't offered any.

Tanner Family said...

What! Please post this recipe, it happens to be my favorite!

Camille said...

That looks delicious! I echo the request for the recipe...:)