Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Fairytale...

A Knight, a Dragon, and a Princess

The night before Halloween we were planning to paint our pumpkins, but Tobi and Andrew ended up drawing on them instead. Andrew put some serious planning into his design.


Michelle said...

I guess I'm totally clueless because I didn't make the connection that all 3 of your kids were fairy tale characters. But I never really saw them all 3 sitting together either! So cute.

Maren said...

They look so cute! Those are some nice costumes. Yours and Tobi's were particularly great(sarcastic). Andrew looks like a very brave knight, Josh looks like a nice dragon- where was the growling/snarling- and Bailey is a beautiful princess. Yeah for painting/drawing on pumpkins instead of the goopy carving. nice.

Shannon and Cameron said...

Adorable costumes!!

Christine said...

I am totally giggling right now! That first picture of YOUR FAIRYTALE is just priceless! The only thing missing is Tobi wearing an UofU jersey!

Fuller Family said...

Those costumes are darling! The kids look so cute in them.

Chris and Joy said...

What cute costumes. Baily is getting so big. She is just darling. Gotta love having a princess in the family.

Chris and Joy said...

Bailey is getting so big. She is just darling princess. I love the hat.

Tristan said...

Loved their costumes! So cute! The pic with Bailey waving is adorable!

Christina said...

That is totally awesome and esp since you could talk your two oldest into doing that. Sooooo cute! Esp that little princess! You'll have to check out our blog to see our Halloween costumes!!! We won the adult Halloween best costume at our ward party!