Thursday, December 10, 2009


My friend Ashley was already making a trip to Disneyland with her mother-in-law, so Josh and I went down and met them for a few more days at the park. The first day we were supposed to go to D-land, it rained the whole day. So we had to improvise and went to Chuck E Cheese for 4 hours, the longest I have ever been there! But the kids had a great time playing and the moms had a great time talking. Two of Ashleys friends came and it was fun getting to know them better. The next day at Disneyland was great, if a little on the cold side. We stayed with Ashley's Aunt and Uncle, who were so nice to let us stay there. Josh, Weston and Luke had a great time together, as did Ashley and I. Next time it's Andrew's time for his own trip! Can't wait to go again!


Henrie said...

Miss you guys already!!!

Maren said...

It looks like an awesome trip. Sweet that you two could meet in the middle at Disneyland. You look well bundled in your warm clothes.

Michelle said...

Looks like fun. But how did Bailey survive without you?