Monday, July 14, 2008

Fun times

We have been having a fun summer so far. I love summer, I feel like being outside, and bbqing every night, and that is pretty much what we have been doing the last couple of weeks, so I have been slow on the posting. Tobi finally taught Andrew to ride a two wheeler. I have been nagging him to do it for at least a year, and last weekend it actually happened. We also have been swimming a lot, went to Pebble Beach, and went to the fair.

Andrew and Josh did this tractor pulling race and both won their first ribbons at the fair!

This was what Tobi made Andrew wear for his bike riding lessons. J/k, he didn't have to wear the football pads. But he was outfitted with elbow and knee pads, and wrist guards, plus the helmet of course. Tobi didn't want Andrew breaking another bone!

Here they are, my three crazy boys. Josh loved riding his fire bike too, (it has flames on the side).

Here is Tobi trying to make our kids play football while we are at a park with a playground. Of course the kids would rather play on the playground, but they humored Tobi for a few plays. Give them a few more years right?

I just love these pictures of Bailey. She is 5 months now. Time is flying by. She is so fun! I am so grateful that I have her.


Christine said...

We Fisher Gals are also grateful that you have your very cute Bailey! What is that totally cool purple thing she is sitting in? What a great invention!

Congrats to Andrew for riding a bike and not breaking a bone!

Tristan said...

Bailey is so precious! I can't believe she is already 5 months!!

Emily said...

Aw Bailey is so big! I can't believe she is already 5 months. Love the pictures.Tell Andrew & Josh I say hi & i love you, please. <3

Shannon and Cameron said...

Oh my gosh, that tractor pull thing looks awesome! How fun!

Maren said...

And she looks so cute in the Bumbo. She has chubby cheeks! Yahoo for Andrew and learning to ride a two wheeler. I am glad you are living up the summer. And bythwway, where is the carpet picture???? hmmm???