Monday, July 7, 2008

Pebble Beach

We went down to Carmel for the 4th of July. It was just us and my parents. I like Carmel and Monterey and everything, but going down there is definitely the highlight of Tobi's year. He and my dad golfed at Pebble Beach and at some other awesome course that I can't even remember the name of right now. I'm sure Tobi will be disappointed in my golf knowledge. But anyway, they had a great time. My mom wanted to go to some used book stores, so while she did that I took the boys to the Dennis the Mennis park. What a fun park! We walked around a little in downtown Carmel of course, and went down to the beach there. The boys love the beach no matter what temperature it is. I however, was not loving the beach on this particular day! It was freezing! When we got back home it was 90 degrees, and we were loving it! We went straight to the pool. Carmel is nice and all, but when you are freezing on the 4th of July, something is not right.

Do you see the pain in my eyes? I was just waiting for someone else to say, okay, it's cold, let's go! Bailey is somewhere under all those blankets.

Tobi communing with nature.

My mom bought the boys some fun new toys at the cool toy store. They kept them entertained at breakfast.


smithfam said...

Maressa, Maressa! Sont you know the secret to not being cold at the beach??? It is called FAT!!
Try it sometime! :)

I love the picture of Andrew all gussied up for the bike. Too funny. That is awesome that he can ride a 2 wheeler. Good job Andrew!!!!

Michelle said...

That picture of you and your mom on the beach makes me laugh. It looks like you're standing in the snow!

Emily said...

omg Josh looks so big in that picture. Aw I miss them already.