Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Josh!

Today my second child turned 4. On my kids birthdays I usually think back to the day I delivered them... and Josh is my least favorite delivery. I just remember lots of pain. I had no drugs with this child, not that I didn't want them! I will always have bad feelings for Kaiser Permanente and their crazy rules about epidurals. But I guess supposedly we forget the pain and that is why we have more children right? Of course it was worth the pain though, Josh is such a fun, happy kid. He makes us laugh every day.

Baby Josh, not exactly sure how old. But somewhere around a couple of months...

Josh at 1 years old. Gotta love the perma mohawk from his double cowlick swirly things. Most people have one. Having 2 is very unusual. Doctors always comment about it.

Josh at 2

Josh at 3

This year the boys got a Wii for Christmas. Since then they are totally into the Wii. There hasn't been a lot of tv watching going on, but lots of Wii playing, so we made a Wii Josh and put him on top of his cake.

We had dinner with my parents. Josh is against potatoes and rice, so I make a lot of pasta. My mom has a hard time making a meal without potatoes, but today we planned around Josh. We had beef tenderloin, pasta roni (his favorite), and homemade bread and butter, plus a vegetable but Josh didn't eat any so I won't mention it.

Josh got a air hockey game from my dad, it is really for both boys. He also got that sweet helmet he is wearing.

Overall it was a good birthday for Josh. Only one more birthday to go, Andrews birthday is April 2. Then we are done with birthdays until October. Thank goodness.
Bailey is in February, Josh is March, and Andrew is April. I am always glad when we are done till next year...


Maren said...

I love the pictures at each year. It is amazing how much he looks like his baby picture. You can just see him in there with chubby cheeks. You know, my Pediatrician hasn't said anything about Ben's double cowlick. Interesting. You did a great job on the Josh's Mii. I love it!

steph said...

Happy Birthday Josh! Wow! Time sure has flown by. I remember you pregnant with him! I also just remembered the time that Maci and Andrew pulled down the curtains in your parents house. I believe its the pair in the picture behind you and Josh when he is opening presents. Yikes!

Michelle said...

Andrew's looking a bit risque in that one picture!

Happy Belated Bday Josh. My boys are excited to be celebrating soon.

Christine said...

I love those little pictures of Josh as a baby! I'm glad I have been able to see him GROW UP!

LOVE the Josh Wii Cake too! You guys always make the best birthday cakes for your kids!