Saturday, August 1, 2009

Only Boys Allowed

So a few weeks ago Tobi's brother Joseph got married. Tobi wanted to go up a week early and do a little camping and a lot of golfing. So our agreement was he would take the two boys, and I would come a few days later with Bailey. Let me tell you, this was awesome! I got so much done at home, and Tobi had a great time with the boys. I think we need to do this kind of trip every year! So while it was just him and the boys, they stayed at his brothers Philip's house, and his other brother Joseph came and they golfed a lot! Thanks to Tara, Philip's girlfriend who took care of the boys! Then they went to Clarkston and went camping with his mom and dad. The boys LOVE going to Clarkston and spending time with Grandma Dee. They can't wait to get there and then talk about it constantly when we get home.
More from our Clarkston trip coming soon...


Michelle said...

A boys only vacation sounds like my kind of vacation. I'm going to have to talk to Stephen about that one. I'm glad everyone had a good time.

Emily said...

I am so happy for you and your just bailey time! Btw you have some pretty hansome boys.

Henrie said...

Yay! I'm so glad you posted! That looks like a lot of what we are doing here. The boys look so cute!

Unknown said...

It looks you guys had a great vacation & had a lot of fun. Btw you have some pretty hansome boys.

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