Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Disclaimer: Bailey was not feeling well the whole Christmas weekend, and when I took her to the doctor two days after Christmas she had double ear infections... What I'm really trying to say is...please ignore her terrible hair! It's kind of embarassing, but the poor thing just wasn't feeling that great so I didn't want to subject her to hair styling...Now posting pictures, I kind of regret that decision! =) Josh loves Mario anything, he loves Yoshi. And he has had a stuffed green Yoshi toy for a while now that Bailey has been coveting. So, Christmas morning brought Pink Yoshi for Bailey. She went right for him!

Here is the highlight of my Christmas, and yes, it's kind of for me as well as Bailey. Isn't it the cutest kitchen set you've ever seen! It's so pretty... And my mom made her the cutest apron to go with it. Bailey is a lucky girl!

Again, can you see the sickness pouring out of her? But she had just enough energy to give us a thumbs up before heading downstairs to see what Santa had brought.

Here are the cousins after opening their one present on Christmas Eve, and of course you know what it was... pj's.

Spending a lot of time at Grandma's and Grandpa's this week.

She's just so cute I can't handle it!

Andrew playing with a giant train track at Grandma's. Grandma and Grandpa's house is the best!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christsmas begins...

So the few of you who check my blog may have noticed that it has been a long, long, long time since I have posted anything! We haven't been taking many pictures lately... But I remembered to grab my camera as I was walking out the door to go play at my moms house this afternoon. My sister Maren and her boys Brigham and Benjamin arrived yesterday, so of course we needed to do a little time out in the street riding bikes, scooters, and motorized vehicles. There is a Jeep, a golf cart, and a pink car... Fun for everyone.

Joshua is saying " I'm number 1!"

This is Andrew suddenly being amazingly old, he totally can't fit in the Jeep anymore, I can't believe he is going to be 9 soon!

Benjamin is sure lucky to have so many people loving him so much! =)

My mom and I. Somehow Maren missed out on all the fun traffic directing we did outside...

Is Bailey just the cutest ever? She is growing up so fast!

Hope you enjoyed the quick update. Hopefully I will be posting more Christmas soon.
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Paradise (Hawaii)

Aloha! We just got back from Maui and it was such a fun week that none of us wanted to come back to reality! We spent most of our time in the amazing pool at the Grand Wailea or a few feet away at the beach. We went snorkeling, surfing, and some of us golfed a lot. Being that we were in the water all the time we hardly took any pictures! But here are the few we did get.

This is the boys doing shaka, which Joshua pronounces "shotgun," and we didn't correct him enough times I guess.

Here is one of our only group shots, and we are missing Daniel and Emily. They left one day earlier than we did so they could get to Connecticut for Daniel's brother's farewell.

The kids did a lot of fish feeding, it seems that every restaurant would hand out fish food to throw to the giant fish in their ponds.

The cousins had a great time playing together. Josh is the leader here with Brigham, Bailey, and Benjamin. It was fun that Bailey and her cousin Ellie can finally play together, Ellie definitely needed a girl to play with cause boys are crazy!

Some of the men, they golfed many times, I think this might be on the island of Lanai where Tobi has wanted to play golf for years, and he finally got his chance. Brian is not here because he and Maren and their boys went over to Oahu for a night to go to the P.C.C.

We took some Hula lessons, it was interesting... lets just say we are not dancers in our family!

The newlyweds, they are so cute and we love Daniel! I think "Daniel!" was the word said most by all the kids, they were all in love with him. He fit right into our family, no adjustment period, I feel like he has been a part of the family forever. Good choice Emily!

At dinner one night Brigham who is three, was sporting the napkin bandana and so all my kids wanted to try it. Brigham is going to be a trendsetter!

Goodbye Hawaii, we'll miss you!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Nothing in Particular

So I have sort of lost my desire to blog, and it has been almost 3 months since I posted anything so I thought I would put up a few pics for the couple of you who want to see what we have been up to! Tobi's mom Dolores came to visit us for the weekend. We love Grandma Dee! We had a fun time just hanging out, not doing too much. We did go miniature golfing and to Andrews baseball game.

Andrew is 8! I can hardly believe it. He got Baptized on May 1st. He was so excited!

I don't know if any of you will see it, but I can see the stress on my face. A baptism day should be stress free and wonderful right? Well I had had a really terrible week and then done a bridal shower the same morning as this baptism and by this time I was ready to give away all my children. Seriously, I was spent.

Andrew played baseball for the first time this year and he loved it! It is his favorite sport so far. And I really enjoyed it too. It was great to be able to watch him individually, catching, throwing and hitting.

This is random. So Andrew sometimes gets up at night and doesn't really know what he is doing. This sometimes means that Tobi and I come up from downstairs around 11 pm and find him sleeping like this at the top of the stairs.
Emily got married last weekend and it was so fun. She looked gorgeous and we love Daniel and his family. I don't have any pics yet, maybe I will get those posted in less than three months!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

D-land 2010

It was time for our Spring trip to Disneyland, and here is the crew this trip. If you know us well, you may notice that we are missing two children! I left Bailey home, and Maren left Benjamin at home. As a mom I should probably say that we missed them, and of course we did, but it was so nice to have two less children to push around in strollers! It was great to just have Josh and Andrew and be able to go on pretty much every ride. And if you haven't seen me lately, you may be wondering where I am in the picture! Well, I have had a midlife crisis and decided to cut my hair and go dark. I have to say I actually like it, but I don't know how long I can keep up with the upkeep. Going every month is crazy!

Doesn't Andrew look old? I can't believe he is almost 8!

I got the kids these flashing necklaces at Safeway, that they wore at night, that way I didn't have to listen to them wanting those glow in the dark things they sell there.

Grandma with Josh, Brigham and Ellie. Ellie is cuddled up in Josh's sweatshirt, which he refused to wear. He hardly ever gets cold.

Is Anrdrew trying to choke Josh or help him?

I love Brigham's face, he is really trying his best!

It was a great trip, can't wait for Fall!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Princess is 2!

This is her new smile for the camera, squinty eyes, hmm...

I can't believe my baby is 2 years old already. She is talking up a storm, getting into everything, and has some two year old tantrums, but I still think she is the cutest thing on earth. She is so precious to me, I am loving every minute of being her mom. I am so lucky! We had Grandma and Grandpa over for presents and cake. It was a fun night! We got a new camera for Christmas and haven't really figured out how to use it, so a lot of the pictures we took didn't come out that well, so we just have a few so you can see what Bailey looks like right now. Now I need to figure out how to use the camera...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

BYU vs Fresno State

Living in Pleasanton means we don't get to go to that many BYU games, so when they are playing within a reasonable distance, we always go. This weekend it meant driving to Fresno, which took us 2 hours and 15 minutes. It wasn't bad. Tobi had planned a bunch of things to do but it was raining all day Saturday, so that changed our plans a bit. We did eat some good mexican food, and played glow in the dark miniature golf, which the kids loved. Not that we had to drive to Fresno for that, but we did what we could with the rain. The game was really fun and the Cougars won, always good for morale. The next day we hit a great breakfast place and came home. The kids favorite part was staying in a hotel, who knew?